Vote Blue Achieved a 60%+ CTR Using SuperPhone for Political Canvassing

Vote Blue specializes in reaching out to voters by knocking on doors, making phone calls, and speaking with the public on the street to encourage them to Vote Blue for progressive candidates.

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Inbound call-ins
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1.) All canvassers are required to put in their phone number by visiting the SuperPhone® form at the start of every shift. This is orchestrated by putting the SuperPhone® link in our daily Zoom calls, which we have at the start of all shifts to share daily team objectives. It is on the form where canvassers 'sign-in' by clicking the respective box that they are working for that given day.

This is associated with a SuperPhone® tag and bundles our staff into organized daily messaging groups, typically by specific shift (whether it be morning shift or afternoon shift) while adding any new staffer into our group.

Advantages of the Tagged Groups

Being able to have the entire staff into message-able groups, particularly having ‘specific working shift’ groups was advantageous. Below, you’ll see three tagged groups. The ‘5:30 folks to 10.30' is a tagged group of everyone who signed in for our ‘Morning Shift’ on October 30th. These are the canvassers who joined the 9am zoom meeting and began canvassing at 10am. Their shift ends at 5:30pm, and we message this group at 6:00pm to have them fill out their end of shift debrief form.

The '8 folks 10.30' is a tagged group of everyone who signed in for our 'Afternoon Shift' on October 30th. These are the canvassers who joined the 11am zoom meeting and began canvassing at 12pm. Their shift ends at 8:00pm, and we message this group at 8:30pm to have them fill out their end of shift debrief form.

The 'Vote Blue Staff' group is a continually growing group that includes every single one of our canvassers who enter their information into SuperPhone®. This group gets messaged the ‘Shift Scheduling Document' everyday at 8:45pm, and occasionally would receive messages to inform them and all of the staff about certain bonuses they could qualify for by working specific numbers of shifts

2.) Now that canvassers have a number to contact directly with any questions or requests, they start using this number for their own respective needs. One purpose is getting transportation coordinated for that canvasser. Canvassers are able to utilize Lyft at no cost to themselves by having a Canvassing Director order Lyft rides for them. We put in place a Superphone® superbot response that anytime a canvasser messages the word 'Lyft' Superphone replies by asking for the necessary information needed to book the canvasser their ride. One Canvassing Director is assigned to monitor Superphone, and after a canvasser replies with their pick up & drop off location, the Canvassing Director is then able to order the canvasser their Lyft.

The streamlining of this process saved quite a bit of time and built higher trust amongst canvassers that this pivotal task would be executed quickly.

3.) Another instance where utilizing the SuperBot function was advantageous for our team, was being able to have canvassers message the word ‘debrief’ to get their ‘end of shift debrief form’ texted to them instantly. When canvassing shifts end, canvassers fill out a google form where they input their hours worked, total doors knocked, as well as other pieces of information. We encouraged canvassers to have this form (which was the same every single day) bookmarked on their phones, but many canvassers took advantage of being able to message the word ‘debrief’ and get the form instantaneously.

4.) One such instance was being able to message our entire staff our daily shift scheduling document. Instead of having canvassers rely on a weeks or days out shift scheduling format, we would message canvassers a Google Form to input their respective schedules if they were planning on working the following day. By being able to send a scheduler 12 to 18 hours out before shifts would start, we had a much more accurate picture of who was planning to work, compared to having people schedule their shifts 5-7 days out, when inevitable some canvassers would end up either forgetting they scheduled a shift, or cancelling their shift 2 or 3 days before, and potentially our admin team did not remove them from the schedule. Our canvassers enjoyed this format greatly.

5.) At the end of every shift, we would message our canvassers to ‘sync their data’. This is because all of our canvassers used a very unreliable yet crucial mobile app while canvassing. While out canvassing, this application would often not accurately sync the data from canvassers. However, when canvassers would return home and connect to wifi, they could much more easily sync their data. About one hour after shift would end, we would message canvassers encouraging them to sync their data. We set up a SuperBot response where once canvassers said the word ‘sync’ a Superphone® tag would mark that the specific canvasser had successfully synced their data for that day. This was helpful as our ‘Data-Reporting Administrative team wanted to make sure they would have an accurate picture of how many doors were knocked that given day, and this can only occur by having everyone sync their data. I was able to build a strong level of trust with our team by being able to track everyone’s syncs via SuperBot response. We also then had a transparent view of the canvassers who did not sync their data, and would call those canvassers individually to do so. This ensured high percentages of our canvassers were syncing their data. Below is one such example of an outbound sync request going to 120 canvassers.

In conclusion, SuperPhone for organizing canvassers was extremely valuable. SuperPhone allowed us to have:

Streamline tools for canvassers

A.) Instead of having to ask their team leads for debrief forms, or having to ask their team leads for Lyft rides (where the team lead would when then text a Canvassing Director), canvassers could make use of SuperPhone® SuperBot functionality to just text 1 word and get the resource they were looking for texted right back to them.

B.) Having daily schedule forms texted to the canvassers made for better scheduling for canvassers. The 'schedule' being message out daily led our 'no show rate' from 5% to 4%.

Minimized step-by-step methods of communication

A.) Instead of having a model of the Lead Director sending a message to the 6 Canvassing Directors, who then each message 4 Canvassing Team Leads (a total of 24 team leads), who then message 7-8 canvassers (187 total canvassers), SuperPhone could send one message out to the entire staff in seconds.

Increased transparency and timelines

A.) By setting up a SuperBot keyword to ensure canvassers were syncing their data, we could track down who was slowing down the operation by not syncing their data and calling them to sync immediately. By knowing who was in what canvassing group, we could coordinate specifically timed messages to wrap shifts up in an organized fashion.

Drive revenue with personalized mobile messaging using SuperPhone

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case study

Vote Blue Achieved a 60%+ CTR Using SuperPhone for Political Canvassing

Vote Blue specializes in reaching out to voters by knocking on doors, making phone calls, and speaking with the public on the street to encourage them to Vote Blue for progressive candidates.

Inbound call-ins
Social Media Impressions
Click-Through Rate

About the Case

customer since

1.) All canvassers are required to put in their phone number by visiting the SuperPhone® form at the start of every shift. This is orchestrated by putting the SuperPhone® link in our daily Zoom calls, which we have at the start of all shifts to share daily team objectives. It is on the form where canvassers 'sign-in' by clicking the respective box that they are working for that given day.

This is associated with a SuperPhone® tag and bundles our staff into organized daily messaging groups, typically by specific shift (whether it be morning shift or afternoon shift) while adding any new staffer into our group.

Advantages of the Tagged Groups

Being able to have the entire staff into message-able groups, particularly having ‘specific working shift’ groups was advantageous. Below, you’ll see three tagged groups. The ‘5:30 folks to 10.30' is a tagged group of everyone who signed in for our ‘Morning Shift’ on October 30th. These are the canvassers who joined the 9am zoom meeting and began canvassing at 10am. Their shift ends at 5:30pm, and we message this group at 6:00pm to have them fill out their end of shift debrief form.

The '8 folks 10.30' is a tagged group of everyone who signed in for our 'Afternoon Shift' on October 30th. These are the canvassers who joined the 11am zoom meeting and began canvassing at 12pm. Their shift ends at 8:00pm, and we message this group at 8:30pm to have them fill out their end of shift debrief form.

The 'Vote Blue Staff' group is a continually growing group that includes every single one of our canvassers who enter their information into SuperPhone®. This group gets messaged the ‘Shift Scheduling Document' everyday at 8:45pm, and occasionally would receive messages to inform them and all of the staff about certain bonuses they could qualify for by working specific numbers of shifts

2.) Now that canvassers have a number to contact directly with any questions or requests, they start using this number for their own respective needs. One purpose is getting transportation coordinated for that canvasser. Canvassers are able to utilize Lyft at no cost to themselves by having a Canvassing Director order Lyft rides for them. We put in place a Superphone® superbot response that anytime a canvasser messages the word 'Lyft' Superphone replies by asking for the necessary information needed to book the canvasser their ride. One Canvassing Director is assigned to monitor Superphone, and after a canvasser replies with their pick up & drop off location, the Canvassing Director is then able to order the canvasser their Lyft.

The streamlining of this process saved quite a bit of time and built higher trust amongst canvassers that this pivotal task would be executed quickly.

3.) Another instance where utilizing the SuperBot function was advantageous for our team, was being able to have canvassers message the word ‘debrief’ to get their ‘end of shift debrief form’ texted to them instantly. When canvassing shifts end, canvassers fill out a google form where they input their hours worked, total doors knocked, as well as other pieces of information. We encouraged canvassers to have this form (which was the same every single day) bookmarked on their phones, but many canvassers took advantage of being able to message the word ‘debrief’ and get the form instantaneously.

4.) One such instance was being able to message our entire staff our daily shift scheduling document. Instead of having canvassers rely on a weeks or days out shift scheduling format, we would message canvassers a Google Form to input their respective schedules if they were planning on working the following day. By being able to send a scheduler 12 to 18 hours out before shifts would start, we had a much more accurate picture of who was planning to work, compared to having people schedule their shifts 5-7 days out, when inevitable some canvassers would end up either forgetting they scheduled a shift, or cancelling their shift 2 or 3 days before, and potentially our admin team did not remove them from the schedule. Our canvassers enjoyed this format greatly.

5.) At the end of every shift, we would message our canvassers to ‘sync their data’. This is because all of our canvassers used a very unreliable yet crucial mobile app while canvassing. While out canvassing, this application would often not accurately sync the data from canvassers. However, when canvassers would return home and connect to wifi, they could much more easily sync their data. About one hour after shift would end, we would message canvassers encouraging them to sync their data. We set up a SuperBot response where once canvassers said the word ‘sync’ a Superphone® tag would mark that the specific canvasser had successfully synced their data for that day. This was helpful as our ‘Data-Reporting Administrative team wanted to make sure they would have an accurate picture of how many doors were knocked that given day, and this can only occur by having everyone sync their data. I was able to build a strong level of trust with our team by being able to track everyone’s syncs via SuperBot response. We also then had a transparent view of the canvassers who did not sync their data, and would call those canvassers individually to do so. This ensured high percentages of our canvassers were syncing their data. Below is one such example of an outbound sync request going to 120 canvassers.

In conclusion, SuperPhone for organizing canvassers was extremely valuable. SuperPhone allowed us to have:

Streamline tools for canvassers

A.) Instead of having to ask their team leads for debrief forms, or having to ask their team leads for Lyft rides (where the team lead would when then text a Canvassing Director), canvassers could make use of SuperPhone® SuperBot functionality to just text 1 word and get the resource they were looking for texted right back to them.

B.) Having daily schedule forms texted to the canvassers made for better scheduling for canvassers. The 'schedule' being message out daily led our 'no show rate' from 5% to 4%.

Minimized step-by-step methods of communication

A.) Instead of having a model of the Lead Director sending a message to the 6 Canvassing Directors, who then each message 4 Canvassing Team Leads (a total of 24 team leads), who then message 7-8 canvassers (187 total canvassers), SuperPhone could send one message out to the entire staff in seconds.

Increased transparency and timelines

A.) By setting up a SuperBot keyword to ensure canvassers were syncing their data, we could track down who was slowing down the operation by not syncing their data and calling them to sync immediately. By knowing who was in what canvassing group, we could coordinate specifically timed messages to wrap shifts up in an organized fashion.

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Setup your SuperPhone® today and start boosting your digital revenue through personalized mobile messaging.

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